Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off the road...

A delusional pair of travelers made their way back to their teeny dark apartment at about the same time they eagerly skipped out if it over a month ago, 4 o'clock in the morning. The travelers knew they had experienced something real, something beautiful, something they would never forget. Something that might even cause them to rethink the world around them and their feeble place in it. And these travelers have now made their way on to explore the wonders of Europe, while Tyler and I have returned to our cozy little existence working and living in Santiago.
As fantastic as our time on the road was, I don't want to pretend that that it was the end all, mind blowing, heavy on the drama experience that has changed our lives and personalities forever. We had a FANTASTIC trip and I look forward to sharing a few stories. But I don't want to imply that at any point enlightenment was reached. In all honesty, we met some amazing people and some very average joes. We saw some of the most beautiful scenes and some scenes very similar to Anytown, USA. We experienced a few scary moments and more than a few boring and annoying moments. We just have stories, our take on what we saw, which of course was only a drop in the bucket to the full monty. If I haven't scared you off yet by my over- analytical attempt to under-dramatize our trip, hold on for a few tales from the road.

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